Room temperature Superconductivity induced by nanotube confinement

What if we take a carbon nanotube, place it in a cryogenic environment, fill it with He atoms, then take it to standard temperature and pressure: are the He atoms confined sufficiently by the nanotube to maintain their electrons in Cooper pairs?

Superconductivity, discovered in 1911 by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onneshas, is a set of physical properties observed in certain materials where electrical resistance vanishes and magnetic flux fields are expelled from the material. Superconductivity is classified as conventional (that can be explained with the BCS theory or related theories) or unconventional (that fails to be explained by such theories). [Wikipedia]

I am particularly interested by BCS theory and how Cooper pairs describe a ferminionic system (a pair of electrons) that behaves as a bosonic system given appropriate conditions: very low temperatures or extremely high pressures. There are laboratory techniques¹² for cooling materials to near absolute zero temperatures and subjecting materials to unprecedented pressures, these techniques are ideal for characterizing materials but impractical for everyday use.

It is my understanding that extreme applications of low temperatures and/or high pressures to a system squeezes out its energy allowing the system constituents to reduce their average separation giving rise to quantum behaviors such as Cooper pairs—squeezing, in this context, is the emission of photons by the system allowing it to reach a stable low energy state (stability is a function of band gap to the next higher energy level).

What about standard temperature and pressure superconductivity (STPS) induced by nanotube confinement?

What if we take a carbon nanotube (single-wall or multi-wall, zigzag or armchair configuration), place it in a cryogenic environment, fill it with He atoms, then take it to standard temperature and pressure: are the He atoms confined sufficiently by the nanotube to maintain their electrons in Cooper pairs? How about pulling on the ends of the nanotube for stricter confinement (chinese trap)?

Side notes

Does a system of nanotubes filled with He release heat when the ends of the nanotubes are pulled? Assuming the photons are emitted by the He atoms, do these emissions interact constructively with the C atoms? That is, the emitted He photons are absorbed by the C atoms that increase their atomic size inducing further squeezing (interplay of C-C covalent bonds and atomic size).

Investigate tensile strength of carbon carbon bonds in nanotubes (100–200 GPa), note that diamond anvils reach these magnitudes.

Technically a C He system can be viewed as a boson.

There may be atoms better suited than He for this approach.

¹ Laser cooling
² Diamond anvil cell

 Last update 2022-02-18 18:38